Tanaman asli Indonesia untuk kanker

Tanaman asli Indonesia untuk kanker
Tanaman asli Indonesia untuk kanker - Indonesia mempunyai banyak type tumbuhan. Yang mana bisa di gunakan juga sebagai sebagian trumbuhan yang ada di indonesia mempunyai kadnungan yang sudah dapat dibuktikan ampuh untuk menghindar sekalian mengbati kanker payudara. Manfaat yang tedapat dalam tanaman herbal untuk menghindar serta menyembuhkan kanker payudara ini tak kalah hebat dengan obat kimia atau kemotherapi, bahkan juga keampuhannya untuk melumpuhkan kanker malah tambah lebih baik dari kemotherapi serta obatkimia. Sudah banyak yang sukses pulih dari kanker payudara dengan tumbuhan hasil alam indonesia ini. Hingga saat ini penyembuhan tradisional banyak dicari serta jadi alternatif dan tumpuan harapan baru untuk beberapa pasien kanker payuda.

Berikut list tanaman untuk kanker

1. Kunyit Putih 

Orang-orang sudah lama mengetahui kunyit putih. Type kunyit iniselain bisa di pakai juga sebagai jamu dapat juga di pakai juga sebagai obat alam untuk menyembuhkan kanker serta tumor.

2. Daun Tapak Dara 

Daun tapak dara sudah teruji dengan cara ilmiah memilik kandungan juga sebagai pencegah sekalian pemupas sel kanker. Tanaman yang msih saudara dari kamboja-kambojaan ini memiliki kandungan dua senyawa yang bermanfaat menghalangi penyebaran sel kanker.

3. Temu Lawak 

Menurut Andrew Chevballier Mnimh, herbalis asal london, dalam termulawak terdapatzat curcumol serta curdione yang berkhaisat juga sebagai anti tumor serta kanker. Bahkan juga di china temulawahk sudah lama di pakai juga sebagai obat kanker leher rahim

4. Keladi Tikus 

Keladi tikus (Typhonium Flagelliforme/Rodent Tuber) juga sudah di teliti juga sebagai tanaman obat yang bisa hentikan serta menyembuhkan beragam penyakit kanker.


lime benefits for cholesterol

Lime which is a family of citrus fruit has a flavor that is quite unique compared with other citrus fruits. Usually lime was used as a drink in the warm and thin shape. Besides delicious, lime was apparently potent cholesterol lowering. Check out other important properties of lime as reported by the following Chatelaine.

lime benefits for cholesterol

lime benefits for cholesterol

Good for women's health
In the lime contained calcium and folate, two nutrients that are important for menopausal women and pregnant women. Fresh lime juice containing at least 22 mg of calcium and 5 micrograms of folate.

Against aging
The skin of the lemon has a compound capable of inhibiting the production of melanin. Due to the age and UV light, which gives the pigment melanin in the skin can accumulate and cause spots. So by wearing a mask lemon, skin aging can be delayed.

Anti-cancer agent
Limonoids that of the lime has been proven to lower the risk of colon cancer, blood, and stomach. This was revealed by researchers. Limonoids also actively repel free radicals from the body such as the workings of green tea and dark chocolate.

Prevent the formation of kidney stones
Lime juice contains citric acid which is much higher oranges and grapefruit. Citric acid itself is a natural compound that prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Lowering Cholesterol
Flavonoids are found in citrus juice called hesperidin also able to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So the lime consumption is closely linked to lower risk of heart disease and stroke.


Alternative Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes


Alternative Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes

Alternative Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes -, Efficacy Skin Mangosteen For Disease Patients with diabetes mellitus are at lowering blood sugar levels. Why mangosteen peel efficacious for the cure of diabetes mellitus? What is diabetes mellitus? Any levels in diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is derived from the Greek word diabainein, which means "see-through" or "fountain", and from the Latin word mellitus which means "sweetness" .In Indonesia (and Malay-speaking countries) more commonly known as diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease characterized by elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) that is continuous and varied, especially after eating. Another source said that the definition of diabetes mellitus is a state of chronic hyperglycemia accompanied by a variety of metabolic disorders due to hormonal disturbances, which cause a variety of chronic complications in the eyes, kidneys, and blood vessels, accompanied by lesions in the basal membrane in electron microscopy.

All types of diabetes mellitus have similar symptoms and complications at a later stage. Hyperglycemia itself can lead to dehydration and ketoacidosis. Long-term complications include cardiovascular disease (double the risk), chronic renal failure (the main cause of dialysis), retinal damage which can lead to blindness, and nerve damage that can lead to impotence and gangrene with risk of amputation. More serious complications are more common when poor blood sugar control.

Alternative Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes

3 Types of Diabetes Mellitus:

Diabets Type 1, usually tediagnosa kanak-kanak.is age usually Diagnosed in childhood. The patient's body produces insulin only slightly or even totally not produce insulin, therefore, to survive the patient must receive insulin injections every day. Without daily settings, emergencies can happen.

Type 2 diabetes, is more common than type 1 and reaches 90% or more of seluruhj cases of diabetes. It usually occurs in adulthood. In type 2, the pancreas does not make enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels, resulting seringkasili body responds well to insulin tersebut.Kebanyakan people do not realize had been suffering from Type 2 diabetes, although the situation has become very serious. Diabetess common type 2 sudha be experienced in the world and in Indonesia, and the numbers continue to increase due to an unhealthy lifestyle, overweight and lazy to exercise.

Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar condition that occurs during pregnancy, occurs in people who do not have diabetes. Umunnya will return to normal after pregnancy.

Why mangosteen peel efficacious cure of diabetes mellitus?

Alternative Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes
This is because the skin of the mangosteen fruit contains a xanthone compounds in this case serves to reduce insulin resistance in patients with diabetes mellitus. Xanthones and flavonoids substances contained in the mangosteen skin are antioxidants.

Potent antioxidants protect and prevent pancreatic beta cells damaged by free radicals. These cells regenerate so back to produce enough insulin to lower blood sugar. As an antioxidant compound that is needed by the body, the mangosteen peel extract was efficacious as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and also as an anti-cancer. In people with diabetes, the pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin normally.

That efficacy of mangosteen peel for diabetes mellitus who are already proven and tested in the world of medicine, is safe without side effects. For those of you who are now experiencing blood sugar levels above normal segeara adan consumption of mangosteen juice plus xamthone containing benefits of mangosteen peel for diabetes.

How to make the skin mangosteen juice:

  1. Take mangosteen peel then scrape the inside which there is a white membrane like a thread. To facilitate this process, choose fresh fruit leather or buy mangosteen fruit then take advantage of his skin.
  2. Put it in a blender with water, process until smooth. Adjust the amount of water to the number of mangosteen skin to minimize the bitter taste.
  3. Pour into a glass and add honey or brown sugar that has destroyed so bitter taste can be reduced. Stir a few times.
  4. To be more fresh, presented by adding ice cubes in it.

Tingkat keparahan wasir berdarah

Tingkat keparahan wasir berdarah -, Tanda-tanda umum wasir yaitu Biasanya Wasir berdarah berlangsung juga sebagai tanda-tanda timbulnya penyakit wasir. Adapun tanda-tanda wasir yang lain yaitu juga sebagai di bawah ini : Wasir berdarah atau keluarnya darah fresh ketika buang air besar, Merasa tak enak pada lubang kotoran, Ada pengeluaran lendir pada lubang kotoran, Merasa gatal pada lubang kotoran, Nampak tonjolan pada lubang kotoran (ini adalah sinyal bahwa Wasir berdarah ini berbentuk wasir eksternal) sedang jika tak ada keluar tonjolan jadi diberi nama wasir internal.

Tingkat keparahan wasir berdarah

Tingkat keparahan wasir berdarah ada empat stadium, yaitu:

  1.     Stadium I : Perdarahan merah segar tanpa rasa nyeri dan rasa gatal.
  2.     Stadium II : Perdarahan, menonjol, nyeri, dan reposisi spontan.
  3.     Stadium III : Perdarahan, mononjol, sangat nyeri, dan reposisi manual.
  4.     Stadium IV : Perdarahan, tonjolan tetap, nyeri terus menerus, dan tidak dapat reposisi.

Tanda-tanda atau Ciri ciri penyakit ambeien atau wasir 

 Muncul rasa panas atau gatal di poros usus sisi bawah (dubur) 
 Nampak benjolan/tonjolan di sekitar liang dubur 
 Susah buang air besar 
 Rasakan sakit yang mengagumkan waktu buang air besar 
 Terkadang berlangsung pendarahan waktu buang air besar 
 Buang air besar berdarah 
 Rasa buang air besar tak selesai 
 Rasa Gatal pada dubur 
 Timbulnya tonjolan 
 Ada lendir atau jelly dalam kotoran 

Itulah informasi tentang Tingkat keparahan wasir berdarah yang bisa kami berikan kepada anda untuk masalah pengobatannya anda bisa mengkonsumsi obat ace maxs klik disini obat herbal ambeien